BCLC Applicant Agreement Protocol
- CERTIFICATION. Applicants must certify that all the information in the entire application packet is true and complete. They understand they have the burden of producing all the information necessary for the BCLC to fairly and fully evaluate their qualifications, background, ethics, and character in order to be considered for one of the BCLC credentials. They also understand and agree to inform the BCLC as quickly as possible of any changes in this information. Any misstatements or omissions from the application may be cause for denial of appointment or reappointment to the credential. Applicants further agree that any subsequent adverse information about them, their practice and/or a violation of the 2014 AACC Christian Counseling Code of Ethics may be cause for disciplinary action – including the possibility of permanent expulsion from holding the credential – and that such action may be publically communicated in any form or forum the BCLC chooses to disclose such information.
- AUTHORIZATION. Applicants authorize and give the BCLC consent to contact and, without restriction, discuss any issues pertaining to their character and qualifications with current and former supervisors, administrators, pastors, and/or other colleagues with whom they have worked. They also authorize the BCLC to contact any state licensure boards, other professional and ministerial associations, and malpractice insurance carriers to obtain whatever information it deems necessary to properly evaluate the application. Consent is given for the release of all information, records, and documents, by whatever means the BCLC chooses to collect this data, and to assist them in the good-faith evaluation of their application. If a question arises in the future about their character and qualifications to the credential, they agree to assist the BCLC in its efforts to resolve any questions it may have. They further agree and consent to allow a copy of this Agreement Protocol to be sent to anyone whom the BCLC deems necessary to assist them in resolving any and all questions about their worthiness to achieve and hold an IBCC credential.
- INDEMNIFICATION. Applicants release from any and all liability the BCLC, the AACC, the AACC Foundation, and any individual officers, directors, employees, or agents of these organizations for any and all acts done in good faith and without malice or intent to harm in connection with the evaluation of their application for a BCLC credential. They further release from any and all liability, any persons or organizations that provide information regarding the application to the BCLC, and agree to hold harmless anyone who may make a negative or adverse judgment about their character or qualifications in the evaluation of the application.
- DISPUTE RESOLUTION. If a dispute arises between the applicant and the BCLC regarding the application or any future matter, applicants agree to engage in dispute resolution that (1) first attempts direct negotiation; (2) then attempts mediation with a mediator acceptable to both parties; (3) then uses arbitration and binding arbitration to resolve the matter. The parties agree to abide by the Christian mediation rules of the Christian Conciliation Service (at www.hispeace.org) and the administrative rules and procedures of the American Arbitration Association for binding arbitration. The chosen rule of law and forum state shall be the Commonwealth of Virginia.
- CREDENTIAL RESOLUTION. Applicants resolve to support the mission and goals of the BCLC and further agree to abide by and fully adhere to the AACC Doctrinal Statement and the 2014 AACC Christian Counseling Code of Ethics. They have not hidden, nor omitted any necessary information to honestly qualify for the credential. If they qualify, they will hold their BCLC credential in the highest regard, honor the calling of God in Christian counseling, and maintain both excellence and an ethical stance as a servant-leader in this field. Furthermore, they will strive to avoid all stain of bad reputation and ill-repute upon the name of Christ, the cause of Christian counseling, and the good purposes of the BCLC.
Applicants acknowledge they have read, discussed as needed, and fully understand this Agreement Protocol. They understand that by signing the formal Application Form, they do herby agree with all consent and authorization statements that are described herein.